The declaration of Protective Covenants defines community standards. The covenants are in place to protect and enhance values of property in the community. The Architectural Review Board (ARB) is charged with the task of monitoring the community to ascertain overall community compliance with covenant regulations for the purpose of maintaining a safe and pleasing environment for the benefit of all residents.
ARB approval is required on all exterior changes including paint and landscaping other than the planting of flowers, shrubs and trees. No approval is required if you are repainting in the same colors.
The ARB considers requests on the third Wednesday of each month. To avoid delays, please get your requests into the ARB office via the Community Center mailbox in advance of these meetings.
Do not accept the word of a contractor that he/she has received approval from the ARB to start a project. The ARB only accepts applications from the owner of the property, and only provides a written response to the owner.
However, the ARB will discuss the merits of a project or questions regarding a project with a contractor when appropriate. Don’t let a contractor pressure you into starting a job prematurely.
Please note the following information:
Please remember that any additions or modifications to the exterior of your home, including tree and garden modifications, must be approved by the ARB before the project is started. Request forms can be obtained by contacting Kathryn Menchinger of Community Association Management at 770/692-0152 or [email protected].
The ARB needs communities input in matters that are important to use all. Please feel free to call 770/461-5659 or email [email protected] at any time with concerns that need our attention.
Let’s all work together to maintain the environment which attracted us to Country Lake.
ARB approval is required on all exterior changes including paint and landscaping other than the planting of flowers, shrubs and trees. No approval is required if you are repainting in the same colors.
The ARB considers requests on the third Wednesday of each month. To avoid delays, please get your requests into the ARB office via the Community Center mailbox in advance of these meetings.
Do not accept the word of a contractor that he/she has received approval from the ARB to start a project. The ARB only accepts applications from the owner of the property, and only provides a written response to the owner.
However, the ARB will discuss the merits of a project or questions regarding a project with a contractor when appropriate. Don’t let a contractor pressure you into starting a job prematurely.
Please note the following information:
- Landscape/grass areas – All lawns should be treated with a weed & feed product to control/prevent overgrowth. Re-seeding helps to restore lawns where the grass is sparse. Lawns should be cut on a regular basis.
- Flower Beds – All flower/shrub beds should be treated with a weed & feed product to control/prevent overgrowth. All beds should be weeded and edged on a regular basis. Plastic edging should be appropriately installed so that it is not visible above the ground. All dead flowers and shrubs should be removed and replaced in a timely manner.
- Rock Bedding – Rock bedding has never been approved for use in islands and beds, and many homes with this bedding are beginning to look unsightly. Homeowners should use the Spring season to replace the rocks with approved bedding such as pine straw or pine bark.
- Areas between properties – This can be a delicate matter. Now is a good time to be neighborly and decide how you want to handle the space between properties. Taking turns is a great idea, or figuring out what works best for you both is the answer.
- Mail Boxes – Mail boxes falling into disrepair can be refurbished by contacting EJ Powell 678/422-1945. Call for an appointment and pricing.
Please remember that any additions or modifications to the exterior of your home, including tree and garden modifications, must be approved by the ARB before the project is started. Request forms can be obtained by contacting Kathryn Menchinger of Community Association Management at 770/692-0152 or [email protected].
The ARB needs communities input in matters that are important to use all. Please feel free to call 770/461-5659 or email [email protected] at any time with concerns that need our attention.
Let’s all work together to maintain the environment which attracted us to Country Lake.
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Country Lake HOA
255 Morning Springs Walk, Fayetteville, GA. 30214
Website by Stephen Wicks Internet Development Company
Country Lake HOA
255 Morning Springs Walk, Fayetteville, GA. 30214
Website by Stephen Wicks Internet Development Company